Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Narrative Text

The narrative text is to amuse or entertain the listeners. The text relates to the experience of neal, imaginary, or complex event that led to a crisis, whhich eventually found a solution.

Features of narrative text is element of conflic (problem) and resolution (problem solving).

The generic structure of a narrative is:
Ø  Orientation
It sets the scene and introduces the partcipants of the story.
Ø  Complication
It shows when the crisis arises.
Ø  Resolution
It shows when the crisis is resolved, for a better or worse condition.

The grammatical features of narratives are:
Ø  Use to adjectives to build noun groups to describe the people, animals or things in the story, such as: ....a nice, delligent and kind-hearted man.
Ø  Use of time connectives and conjunctions to sequence events, such as: howefer, althought, later, then.
Ø  Use for adverbs and adverbial phrases  to locate the particular events, such as: once upon a time, long time ago.
Ø  Use for past tense, such as: Aji saka went to the kongdom, measured the size of the turban ...
Ø  Use of action verbs to indicated the actions, such as: fleed, explained, provided, smashed, etc.
Ø  Use of saying and thinking verbs to indicate what characters are feeling, thingking or saying, such as: told, realized, decided. 


·        A recount text tells us about past event. An recount text can be spoken oe written.

In the spoken recount from which is usually calle a monolog. A spoken text usually uses some direct greeting to the listeners, such as “good morning, everyone” or “listen all”. It also some fillers, such as “you know”, “well” and “let me tell you”

In the spoken recount from which is usually called a monolog. A spoken text usually uses some direct greeting to the listeners, such as “Good morning, everyone”  or “Listen all”. It also uses some fillers, such as “you know” , “ well” and “let me tell you”.

Recount text in written functions to retell past events. The structure of the text is:
Ø  Orientation (background)
it introduces important information on significant historical events. It answer question such as: Who?, When?, Where?, and Why?
Ø  Event/A series of event
It records the main events as they occurred in a chronological order. Each paragraph focuses one spesific event or period of time.
Ø  Re-Orientation (optional closure of events)
It shows the historical significance of the events which have been recorded.
The language features of a recount text are:
1.       Use past tense, such as : declared, signed, prepared, and represented.
2.       Use time conjunctions, such as: whie, then, finally, at last and before.

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012


Invitation tells about how to invite or ask someone to come along or join a particular program or activity

Kind of Invitation :
* Wedding

* Birthday
* Graduatin Ceremony, etc

How to invite some one :
- I would like you to ……
- Would you please an my birthday tonight?
- Shall we …?
- How about …?
- We would be please if you could ….

How to accept an invitation :
- OK!
- All right!
- I will come
- Thank you, yes would like to …

How to refuse / decline an invitation :
- I would love to, but ….
- I’m afraid I can’t
- That’s very kind of you, but …
- Sorry that wouldn’t be possible.Thanks anyway
- A can’t for now because ….

There are some ways to ekspress surprise :
- How would you like to ..?
- How like to ...?
- Do you want to …? etc


- I’d like love to
- I’d like to
- I like that
- That sounds like fun.
- We’ll be looking forward to it.
- I’d / happy to glad to, etc.


- I’d love, but I can’t
- I’d love, but ....
- I’m sorry I can’t, etc
- Thank you for you invitation, but I don't think I can menage it. Sorry
- Sorry, that wouldn't be possible. Thanks anyway, ete

Happines Expression

HAPPINESS EXPRESSION is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited feelings.or
To comprehend and express the meaning nuance within the transactional and interpersonal conversations which are related to the happiness expressions in the context of daily life

Happiness Expression:
 - That’s wonderful!
 - I find it very exciting.
 - Great!
 - Terrific!
 - Hooray!
 - Yippie!
 - What a great idea!
 - It sounds like fun.
 - It’s good news.
 - I’m pleased / delighted about it.
 - It is the best thing I’ve heard for a long time.

Examples of dialog about happiness expression:
Ria   : What did you accept from your birthday, Rere?
Rara : Fantastic! I got a new bag from my mother. That’s very good.
Ria   : Wow!!! I’m happy to hear that. Congrats!


Greetings is an act of communication in which human beings (as well as other members of the animal kingdom) intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other.

How do you greet other people ???
1.Good = Morning,Afternoon,Evening,Night.
2.Hello = Friend,....(Name of someone)
3.How = 1.Are you ?
2.Are you getting along?
3.Are you doing?
  • Fine, thanks
  • Pretty good, thanks
  • I'm well, thanks
  • Not bad, thanks
4.How's = 1.Everything with you ?
2.Life ?
How do you introduce yourself ???
  1. Let me introduce my self, my name is ....
  2. Hello, I'm ....
  3. Hi, I'm .... You can call me ....
  4. Hello, My name is ....
How do you introduce other people ???
  1. I would like to introduce ....
  2. I would like you to meet ....
  3. Excuse me, let me introduce you a new friend. His name is ....
How do you close or end conversation ???
  1. Well i should be going now. See you !
  2. Well i must be off now. I'll talk to you later !
  3. I'm sorry, but i have to go now, It's been nice talking with you. See you later !


Giving instruction is an expression for give or ask somebody to do something that we want.
Giving instruction same with imperative sentences.

Giving instruction are :

 1. Command

* Verb (+ O).
   Example : Watch out, come here, etc.
* Please + V (+ O).
   Example : Please clean your table.
* V (+ O) + Please.
   Example : Wash this clothes, please.

2. Prohibition 

* Don’t + V (+ O).
   Example : Don’t close it!
* Don’t + V (+ O) + Please.
   Example : Don’t be noise, please.
* Would you mind not + V-ing (+ O).
   Example : Would you mind not reading my comic.
Kinds of giving instruction :

Verb 1
    Example :
    - Wash your hand.
    - Eat your meal.
    - Sit down.

Be + adjective.
    Example :
    - Be your self.
    - Be a good student.
    - Be strong.
    - Be happy.
Don’t + V-infinitive.
     Example :
     - Don’t armb!
     - Don’t eat!
     - Don’t approach!
     - Don’t disturb!
     - Don’t touch!

No + V-ing.
     Example :
     - No smooking!
     - No swimming!
     - No parking!

Gaining attention

DEFINITION: Gaining attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to.

The example expression of gaining attention:
  • Attention, please!
  • May I have your Attention, please?
  • Excuse me, look here!
  • Listening to me, please!
  • waiter?
  • I'm sorry, but. . . .
  • Wow, really?

Teacher  : Attention, Please! Today we will watch a movie in the self access center.
                   What do you think?
Students :  That's Great.