Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Happines Expression

HAPPINESS EXPRESSION is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited feelings.or
To comprehend and express the meaning nuance within the transactional and interpersonal conversations which are related to the happiness expressions in the context of daily life

Happiness Expression:
 - That’s wonderful!
 - I find it very exciting.
 - Great!
 - Terrific!
 - Hooray!
 - Yippie!
 - What a great idea!
 - It sounds like fun.
 - It’s good news.
 - I’m pleased / delighted about it.
 - It is the best thing I’ve heard for a long time.

Examples of dialog about happiness expression:
Ria   : What did you accept from your birthday, Rere?
Rara : Fantastic! I got a new bag from my mother. That’s very good.
Ria   : Wow!!! I’m happy to hear that. Congrats!

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